What Happens If My Roomba Gets Wet?

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Most times, while the Roomba is running it can accidentally bump into the water and get wet. We often hear that the device shouldn’t get in contact with water. So, you might be wondering what would happen if your Roomba gets wet.

We will discuss the most asked question which says, “What happens if my Roomba gets wet?”

Your Roomba could get destroyed when wet. The device was built to clean grits, debris, dust, and no moisture. The inner filter can get dirty, wet, and ineffective. Once it gets wet, it could also damage some important components like the sensors and motherboard in the device. 

Most times the Roomba would begin to show some obvious symptoms that something is wrong as a result of the water. The manufacturer indicates that all kinds of moisture should be kept out of sight of the Roomba as it leads to certain damages.

After answering the question, What happens if my Roomba gets wet, we would look at other symptoms, and faults your Roomba could get from getting wet, before discussing the solutions.

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How do I know when my Roomba gets wet?

Sometimes, you might be very lucky to have your Roomba work perfectly even after it gets wet. In most cases, the Roomba might start showing some symptoms of some damages in the components. Those symptoms are listed below.

  • If your Roomba does not activate even after drying it for hours.
  • If the device refuses to clean away grits and debris In your room.
  • If your Roomba keeps moving in one direction, clockwise or does not move at all.
  • If the battery of the Roomba does not charge or if the battery does not keep any charge after charging for hours.
  • If your Roomba finds it hard to move in the right direction as created in the map.
  • If the Roomba filter stops working or does not work effectively. 

What should I do if my Roomba gets wet?

If your Roomba gets wet fortuitously, you have to follow all or one of the steps that will be listed below. By doing this, you will prevent rust and corrosion from forming in the Roomba and you will also prevent it from getting damaged.

After doing these steps and your Roomba starts showing symptoms of the damage, ensure you find a solution to them.


  • Motor cleaner.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol. 
  • Bag of rice.
  • Brush.

Step 1

Let the battery and Roomba air-dry

Unfasten the battery from the Roomba and let them dry for some hours or a few days. However, the amount of time it takes to dry would depend on how long the Roomba stayed in the water. 

Step 2

Separate the Roomba

Bring out the removable parts from the Roomba and utilize a motor cleaner – Gunk FEB1 Foamy Engine Brite Engine Cleaner, to clean all the parts. Then, let me dry. 

Step 3

Use the alcohol on the parts

Utilize the 91%+ alcohol – Isopropyl Alcohol 91% Pure – 64 Pack – 16 OZ Bottles, to rub the parts you separated from the Roomba. 

Step 4

Put the parts in a bag of rice

After cleaning the parts with Isopropyl Alcohol, put them in a bag of rice for about 4 to 5 hours. 

Why does my Roomba show symptoms after getting wet?

Your Roomba shows symptoms after getting wet due to the damages in the in-built components. However, if your Roomba shows any of those symptoms I listed in How do I know that my Roomba got wet, below are the likely faults.

  • Faulty sensors.
  • Damaged motherboard.
  • Defective wheels and motor.
  • Bad battery and filter.

Faulty sensor

If your Roomba finds it hard to move or detect the right direction as created in the map and avoid objects, then the sensor might have become faulty due to the water. 

Damaged motherboard

About 99% of the time after the Roomba gets wet, it damages the motherboard. It affects the volts in the motherboard and other parts controlled by the motherboard that include the sensor, and motor. 

Defective wheels and motor

If your Roomba does not move, moves in one direction, or clockwise, it is possible to have defective wheels and motors. The Roomba motor or the wheels motor could be damaged, so you have to do a test on the device to confirm.

Bad battery and filter

Aside from damaging the motherboard, the filter will also get damaged when the Roomba is wet. The dust and the water become muddy on the filter causing it to become ineffective.

If the battery of the Roomba does not charge or if the battery does not keep any charge after charging for hours, then the battery is bad.

How do I fix my Roomba when it gets wet?

After you confirm the faulty component in your Roomba after it gets wet, you will need to fix it before it can work properly. Most times, it might not be easier to fix some damaged component. So, you would be left with no other option than to purchase a new Roomba.

However, I would provide the solution to the faults that were discovered above.

If the sensor is faulty

You have to take a few steps to fix this fault-

Step 1

Follow the steps in the user guide to confirm this damage.

Step 2

When you see that the sensor is faulty, purchase newer ones, and change them. Changing the sensor in a Roomba is always difficult and can damage the device if you are not careful. So, I would recommend that you take the Roomba to a professional to change the sensor. 

If the motherboard is damaged

Step 1

Do a run test to check if the sensor is working and if the volts are directly from the motherboard.

Step 2

If you are not getting the right result, dismantle the Roomba to examine the motherboard for rust or burn. If any of these are found on the motherboard, change the motherboard to a new one. 

Nb– Even though you don’t find any of these damages on the motherboard, but the Roomba shows the symptoms related to this, you have replaced it. 

If the wheels and motor are defective

Step 1

Confirm this damage by doing the manual test on the Roomba. 

Step 2

Purchase a new motor and replace it in the Roomba. 

Nb– If after changing the motor and the Roomba does not work properly, this means that the motherboard is damaged. 

If the battery and filter is bad

Step 1

Remove the bad filter, purchase a new one, and replace it.

Step 2

Disconnect the battery from the Roomba and dry the two devices. 

Step 3

If the Roomba does not work after drying the battery, then the battery is bad.

Step 4

If the battery is not holding a charge after charging it, you have to purchase a new battery to replace it. However, if this does not solve the problem, then the motherboard is damaged. 


Can the Roomba sense water?

No, the Roomba does not have the ability to sense water. The Roomba runs freely on any floor surface to get your room cleaned. So, if there is any spill of moisture on the floor surface, your Roomba would operate on it because it cannot sense water.

It can only sense bigger and more visible objects when it is cleaning.

 It creates a map after a few uses, so if there is a way on a place your Roomba has operated before, it wouldn’t notice it. Water can damage your Roomba and some components in the device. So, it is advisable to clean any liquid spill on the floor before you instruct the Roomba to clean your room. 

Can I rinse my Roomba?

No, you cannot rinse your Roomba. Although you can unfasten the bin and clean it, do not rinse the Roomba. When rinsing the Roomba, the water can penetrate the components and damage them. This would cause the Roomba to malfunction. 

Technically, the Roomba was not manufactured to get in contact with water as it could damage the device.

None of the removable parts in the Roomba should be rinsed to prevent rust and corrosion. Even though you have to clean the parts of the Roomba after using it to clean, you shouldn’t use water. Use your hands or use a dry towel to dust away from the dirty parts, never use water.

Can water damage the Roomba?

Yes, water can damage the Roomba and the components in it. You should not allow your Roomba to operate on any water while it is cleaning.

This is because the Roomba was designed to clean grits and debris on any ground surface including rugs and carpets. If water penetrates the Roomba and the components, it might begin to malfunction. Ensure you keep your Roomba off any liquids. 

My final thoughts- What Happens If My Roomba Gets Wet?

You can heed to other steps to clean your Roomba without the use of water. Having discussed what happens if the Roomba gets wet, it is important to prevent your Roomba from getting in contact with water to avoid damage.

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