How Do You Keep Footprints Off Bamboo Floors?

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As stated in the previous article, caring for the bamboo floor isn’t going to be all rosy. The reason is that bamboo floors require care in all seasons.

Since the floors are easily prone to dirt, footprints, and dullness, the individual would have to give the bamboo floors utmost care such that it becomes perfect and attractive to all. For today, our focus would be on how to keep footprints off bamboo floors.

Foremost, you should understand that footprints are ever-present on all home floors. Footprints happen when the bamboo floors have become a bit oily or greasy. On rare occasions, this erupts from the bamboo floor cleaners that are being used by the individual.

Aside from the cleaners that contribute in a way, individuals also contribute greatly. For instance, you could have stepped on some substances which you then transfer to the rest part of the home thereby, leaving the footprints on the bamboo floors. Now, let’s look at some of the ways you can keep footprints off bamboo floors.

Read Also: How To Repair Bamboo Floor Dents

Pro Steps To Keeping Footprints Off Bamboo Floors For Good

There are a few ways to do this. That is, keeping footprints off bamboo floors can be done in three different procedures. For the first procedure, you’ll be needing;

Step 1

Vinegar is an active element that is used in cleaning. When vinegar is mixed with water for the purpose of cleaning, the result is often topnotch. In other words, it can be said that it cleans better than some cleaning agents. Get your vinegar and mix it with water. Ensure the vinegar and the water are shared in a ratio of 50:50.

Step 2

Mix and pour the mixture into a spray bottle or a sprinkler bottle. Then proceed to spray it on the bamboo floor. Do not exclude any part of the room and pay more attention to the places that are visible to all.

Step 3

At this juncture, you’ll get your mop or your vacuum cleaner to wipe off the footprints from the bamboo floor. Go gently on the floor as you continue cleaning the bamboo floor from the footprints on it.

There’s another method to this same procedure. If you do not want to use a mop or a vacuum cleaner, you can opt for the second method which follows the same procedure.

For this second method, you’ll be needing a piece of clean cloth. Mix the vinegar with water and pour it into the spray bottle. Spray the places that have footprints on them and use the cloth to keep the footprints off the bamboo floors.

Read Also: Can I Use Roomba On Bamboo Floors?

Procedure 2

To keep footprints off bamboo floors, you can as well use bamboo floor cleaners. Out of the numerous bamboo floor cleaner out there, only a little percentage might lead to footprints on the floor when stepped on.

And this arises from the fact that they may not be the right cleaners for the bamboo or that they may be sub standardized cleaners not fit for bamboo floors.

In our last post, I talked about whether it’s ok or not to use murphy’s oil soap on bamboo floors and I pointed out some of the best bamboo floor cleaners you can use to clean your floors and to get footprints off your bamboo.

The three (3) bamboo floor cleaners recommended are;

  • Bona hardwood floor cleaner
  • Better life floor cleaner

These two are among the best bamboo floor cleaners you can ever find. Aside from cleaning the floors with these, they can be used to keep footprints off bamboo floors. Just like it was instructed in the first procedure, likewise, are you expected to do the same.

Spray the bamboo floor cleaner on the floor or directly on the spots where the footprints are located. Then get your mop or vacuum cleaner (whichever is preferable by you), and commence cleaning. If you don’t have any of these or may want to use a piece of clean cloth, then endeavour to follow the same procedure.

Here are the links to the bamboo floor cleaners for those that may not have any.


  • A sweeping brush
  • Detergent for bamboo floors
  • A mop
  • Water
  • Microfiber towel

Step 1

Get your sweeping brush and sweep the entire room. If you have a broom, then proceed to use it. Exert pressure so all the dirt in the room would be swept out.

Step 2

Get your mopping bucket, fill it with water (not too much water), and include the detergent that is suitable for bamboo floors into the mopping bucket. Mix well ensuring that the water has become soapy.

Step 3

Now, go over the floors with the soapy water. That is, dip the mop into the soapy water, take it out a little, drain the water and begin to mop the floor with it. With this, the footprints and another oily or greasy residue will be gone.

Step 4

After mopping, get your microfiber towel and use it to clean the floor so the detergent or soap residue that may be lingering will be wiped off completely. If you do not have a microfiber towel, you can check the below towels out on Amazon

Nonetheless, footprints do not originate on their own. They are caused by a number of factors. Hence, it is expedient that we find out the reasons behind the appearance of footprints on our hardwood floors and tackle them amicably.

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Why Do I Have Footprints On My Hardwood Floor?

A lot of people keep asking this same question over and over again. Although, some have been able to figure out why they keep having or seeing footprints on their floor. Now, let’s look at why you have footprints on your hardwood floors.

1. You Don’t Have A Doormats

In our previous post, I talked about the usefulness of using a doormat in all homes. To take footprints off your bamboo or hardwood floor, you certainly must get a doormat first.

As you all know, there’s a reason why we place doormats at the entrance of the home. With doormat, you get to clean your feet or shoes on the mat before stepping on the bamboo or hardwood floor. With this, the footprints disappear or are reduced.

2. Dirt On Hardwood Or Bamboo Floors

When there is dirt in a certain area, the tendency of you stepping on them and spreading them all around the home is very high. At such, you get to leave footprints on the bamboo or hardwood floor. This is one of the reasons why you tend to have footprints on your floor

3. Oil Or Grease

There are times we get spillage in our home. If these spillages are not properly taken care of or handled, your floors will be at the receiving end of it. What does it imply?

This means that there’s a possibility that you end up stepping on the oil or grease and walking around the room with it.

In another instance, footprints could erupt from the residue left on the floor that wasn’t properly cleaned. This is another reason why you will have footprints on your bamboo or hardwood floor.

4. Wear Flip Flops Or Socks

Generally, hardwood and bamboo floors are a bit tedious to maintain. Unlike a tiled floor that doesn’t require much cleaning oftentimes, the hardwood does. Hence, you should endeavour to put on flip flops or wearing of socks around the room. With this, you do not get to see footprints on your floor.

5. Pets

This may sound surprising but as surprising as it may sound, pets contribute to the appearance of footprints on hardwood and bamboo floors. Pets have a common trait. They aren’t glued to a specific position.

If you’re the type that has pets, then you’ve got to watch out for them as well. When pets move around, they get dirt, oil, or grease under their paws. If your pet goes out often, then it’ll become worse. This is why you do have footprints on your bamboo or hardwood floor.

How Do You Keep Footprints Off Hardwood Floors?

Without digging deeper, you can deduce from the first key point above on how to keep footprints off bamboo floors.

We’ve explicitly expatiated on these when we talked about “how to keep footprints off bamboo floors”. However, it is necessary we throw more light on the subject so you all would fully understand and know the right things needed to be done. The following are ways to keep footprints off hardwood floors.

1. Consistent Cleaning

Do you see footprints at different places on your hardwood floor? Fret not. Cleaning will do justice to that. First, get vinegar and mix it with water.

Please note, they should be in the right proportion. Pour the mixture in a spray bottle and spray directly in places where the footprints are. Get your mop and clean off the prints or get a piece of cloth to wipe off the prints. The choice of what to use is yours to make.

Second, you could do general cleaning. Pour water in a mopping bucket and add into it a detergent suitable for hardwood floor. Mix together, dip the mop into the water and begin to clean. Round up by cleaning with a microfiber towel.

Third, get a hardwood floor cleaner. You spray it on the floor and clean with a mop or a cloth.

2. Use A Doormats

Yes, we’ve stretched on the importance of using doormats in homes that have hardwood floors. With doormats, footprints tend to reduce. Once people are asked to clean their feet on their mat, footprints won’t occur anymore. So, to rid your hardwood floor of footprints, use doormats.

Please note:

If you do not have any of the items mentioned above, kindly scroll upward to click on the links that will direct you to the site where you can check them out.

How Do You Keep Footprints Off Laminate Flooring?

To keep footprints off laminate floors, you’ll need to follow the following steps.

Step 1

Regular cleaning. The best way to keep footprints off laminate flooring is by constantly cleaning the floor. When you do this always, you find out that footprints will desist from your laminate floor. Hence, you should always care for the floor by cleaning regularly.

Step 2

The same method on the usage of vinegar and water apply here. Get vinegar and mix it with water. Check properly ensuring it is well mixed, then proceed to spray the mixture on the footprints. Get a mop to wipe it off as you clean.

Step 3

Get doormats. Don’t let people walk into your home without first cleaning their feet on the mat. If they don’t, expect to see prints on your laminate floor. The more reason why you should get one.

Let’s quickly look at how to remove footprints on laminated floors

Procedure 1

Wipe off the footprints with a dry piece of cloth or with a dry mop. This can only be done if the footprints found on the floor aren’t too deep. More like not oily or greasy prints. If they are, then this procedure 1 wouldn’t work for it. But if the footprints are mild, use the cloth or mop on them.

Procedure 2

Wipe off the footprints with a wet piece cloth or a wet mop if the prints on the laminated floor seem a bit deep. Here, using a dry cloth or mop wouldn’t work. You’ll have to use a wet mop or preferably get a wet cloth to take off the prints. You can also do the same if the prints are from oil residue or grease.

How Do I Prevent Paw Prints On Hardwood Floor?

The best way to prevent paw prints on the hardwood floor is to ensure that the paw does not come in contact with dirt, oil, or grease. If it does, the print of the paw will be evident on the hardwood floor.

How Do You Keep Footprints Off Bamboo Floors – Conclusion

Keeping footprints and paw prints off the bamboo floor is much easier if you are willing to put effort into achieving a shiny floor free from all types of prints either from humans or pets. The procedures listed and expatiated above will be your guide to getting the best out of your floor.

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