Does A Roomba Go Around Furniture?

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Does A Roomba Go Around Furniture?

Roombas are a perfect technology to use for cleaning your home without the need for you to interfere. Newer models of this Roomba have been introduced with upgraded features. A lot of people are unsure if it can work around furniture, making them ask the question, Does a Roomba go around furniture?

Of course, a Roomba goes around furniture. It moves around all furniture, including beneath them without getting stuck. The Roomba reduces its speed by about two to three minutes before finding its path around the furniture; it works effectively for some areas.

If the Roomba is unable to go beneath the furniture, it will go around it to get it cleaned.

Once the Roomba creates a map around the furniture, cleaning would be easier for it. Technically, it is advisable to take away all the furniture from the room for the Roomba to clean. This is because the Roomba can bump the furniture causing damage to it.

However, you can do a no-go zone around the furniture in the Roomba map.

Before discussing how you can prevent your Roomba From getting stuck, let’s discuss how they go around furniture, having answered Does a Roomba go around furniture?

How does Roomba go around furniture? 

The Roomba goes around the furniture when it is unable to go beneath it. This device can go through your furniture to clean them. Although the issue occurs when there is little space for the Roomba to go through under the furniture, so it goes around the furniture and cleans it.

For instance, if a baby’s furniture set was placed in a room, there is every tendency that the Roomba would not be able to go underneath due to the little space. 

So, the Roomba would find a better place to work making it go around the furniture. The Roomba was built in such a way that it can detect a spacious place for it to move, clean all the dust in the place.

If there isn’t enough space for your Roomba to pass through your furniture, it would go around it. This means the Roomba might not do a perfect job in a baby’s room filled with small furniture.

Can a Roomba go under furniture? 

Of course, a Roomba can go under furniture. This vacuum can go under your furniture without being stuck if they are wider than its inches. So, if your furniture does not have enough space for the Roomba to pass through, it will go around the furniture.

Your furniture must be higher than 3.8 or 3.9 inches and 13.8 inches wide because all Roomba are built to be 3.5 inches tall, 10.2 inches wide. Most times, it can be quite difficult for your Roomba to go under your furniture to clean causing a few damages on the furniture.

So, it is advisable to take the furniture off your room when the Roomba is ready to clean. You can also set a no-go zone on the application to prevent the Roomba from going towards your furniture. 

Which other ways can I stop my Roomba from going under furniture?

If your furniture is not wider or taller than your Roomba, then you have to stop your Roomba from going under furniture. Below are the steps to follow.



Step 1

Add the Pool woggle on your Roomba

The spare pool woggles you bought for your kids for swimming can be used to stop your Roomba from going under your furniture. If you do not have them at home, you can purchase the one I recommended above. To make the pool woggle easy to use

  • Use scissors to cut the pool woggle to be a little higher.
  • Use glue to stick the woggle to your Roomba and add the remaining part of the woggle in between your furniture to the floor.

Step 2

Put the 3m command utility hook

Using the 3m command utility hook is another effective way to stop your Roomba from going under the furniture. To use the 3m hook-

  • Join the 3m utility hook on your Roomba both on the left and right sides.

Nb- ensure the hook you attached to your Roomba is facing backward. Doing this would stop your Roomba from going under furniture. 

Step 3

Fix your bumper extender

Bumper extenders are made with rubber, but they are strong enough to stop your Roomba from going under your furniture. Fix this bumper on your Roomba. Ensure the bumper is standing at 14.1mm tall to be able to bounce your Roomba back. 

How do I prevent my Roomba from getting stuck under furniture? 

You can use some tools to prevent your Roomba from getting stuck under furniture. These tools would be used to lift the furniture for the Roomba to move freely. Below are the ways you can prevent your Roomba from getting stuck underneath furniture. 



Step 1

Use the furniture risers to lift your furniture

This step can be used to prevent your Roomba from getting stuck under the furniture. This is effective for furniture that is not wide enough to let the Roomba pass though. If you do not have a furniture riser in your home, you can purchase the one I recommended.

Add them to the leg of your furniture to lift them. 

Step 2

Buy new furniture

This option might not look effective enough to prevent your Roomba from getting stuck under the furniture. Some furniture was made with inches that were higher and wider than the Roomba.

So, you can buy fairly lofty furniture that has enough space for the Roomba to pass through and prevent it from getting stuck.

Step 3

Spot a no-go zone on the application

You can prevent your Roomba from going in the direction of your furniture by spotting a no-go zone on the application. 

Can a Roomba damage furniture? 

Oh yes, the Roomba can damage furniture. However, this happens when the Roomba hits the furniture repeatedly for a longer period. The Roomba was programmed with an infrared detector to detect a big object when the Roomba is moving towards it.

Although the Roomba lessens its speed entirely within a few minutes, this makes the Roomba hit your furniture while working. The decrease in speed is one major reason why your furniture does get damaged easily. The Roomba cannot detect small objects with the infrared sensor. 

There are chances where the Roomba may not detect small items like the leg of your furniture. Another reason behind the damage on your furniture caused by the hit is due to the spontaneous motion the Roomba moves rather than in a specific direction.

So, it is more advisable If you take the furniture off the room before the Roomba cleans the room. 


Can Roomba go under beds?

Of course, Roomba can go under beds. Beds are one of the pieces of furniture in a house. However, the beds have to be 3.7 or 3.8 higher than the Roomba. Roombas are designed to clean every area of a room regardless of the floor type.

They have sensors that can detect bigger objects they have to pass through or go around. 

Can Roomba go under the couch?

Yes, Roomba can go under the couch, but the couch must be 3.8 inches tall or more. This is because Roombas are 3.6 inches tall and 13.8 inches wide, so your couch inches must be more than these. The Roomba has a vSLAM that helps it to navigate and create a map around the house.

So, if your couch does not have the space for your Roomba to pass through, the device would go around it. Moreover, you can either move the couch away from the room or you can make the couch area a no-go place for the Roomba on the application. 

My final thoughts- Does A Roomba Go Around Furniture?

Having given a positive answer to this question, you should rest assured that the Roomba is smart enough. Once it creates its map after a few uses, cleaning becomes easy and less burdensome. 

You simply stop your Roomba from going towards your furniture and also prevent it from getting stuck. Be sure of your furniture’s height before you let your Roomba go towards it. I hope this article answers your questions.

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